
Odoo is a great working tool to prevent companies from finding themselves in a delicate situation. To optimize the accounting and management of the various activities of a company. And also, the use of accounting software can be beneficial.

In the case of Odoo, management software to run a business helps entrepreneurs or managers effectively manage their companies’ different activities. It is done through many features included in the software. Knowing that a company’s good health depends significantly on managing its finances. Immediately the details of the Odoo software.

Odoo: A Modular Management Software with a Range of Professional Applications

First of all, you should know that firstly, Odoo was known as OpenERP, a management software package. He managed all various processes within the company (accounting, finance, human resources, e-commerce, distribution, sales). And also, it is with the implementation of many applications OpenERP becomes Odoo.

It is a scalable management program that meets many needs of a business. Moreover, Odoo is one of the most installed software in the world. And also, for a good reason, this management software is intuitive, powerful and easy to use while considering the realities that a company faces. With nearly 4 million users, this tool is suitable for small and large companies.

Odoo is a suite of professional applications that automates accounting (sales, purchases, expense reports) and the other bodies of activity of the company.  And also. it  boosts your productivity while offering a better ability to anticipate the future.

The Features Offered by Odoo

Odoo allows you to save time while benefiting from new features as management software. These make it possible to improve the performance of your activity, namely:

The management of accounting finance; Intelligent control of customer relations with automation of critical tasks (complaints, communication, etc.

Sales management with the ability to classify orders. Thanks to this system, delivery and invoicing are done directly once an order is validated. It reduces the risk of delays. In addition, with the mobile interface, you can sell at any time.

Warehouse management, for better monitoring of inputs and outputs of multiple inventory locations
Project management to better manage and plan the tasks to be performed.

Purchasing management to optimize the traceability of suppliers. And also,  the control of invoices and receipts. Good to know: Odoo is available in 2 prior versions:

  • Odoo Enterprise (licensed)
  • Odoo Community (open-source)
  • The fundamental differences between these two versions are modules, bug fixing support, prices and hosting options.

The Advantages of Odoo

  1. Indeed, Odoo offers several attractive advantages.
  2. Functional, dynamic, flexible, modular and collaborative.
  3. The software incorporates modern technologies.
  4. Availability of a community of dynamic and experienced experts.
  5. Available in several languages (20 languages).
  6. Staff satisfaction with reduced daunting tasks.
  7. Consistency. And also,  homogeneity of the information obtained.
  8. Obtain easily controllable reports via a dashboard. Therefore, you can quickly get complete
  9. summaries of your activities, actions to take, and performance.

Define the Hosting

Determine the implementation service you need. In addition, you can benefit from a 15-day free trial without obligation with the package you make. Subsequently, you can opt for an annual or monthly subscription, depending on your needs.

In addition, at Odoo, there are successful packages. And also, the price of which varies according to your profile: new customers or old customers. Here are Odoo’s successful packs:

  • Basic: for simple applications.
  • Standard: for advanced applications with data import.
  • Customized: for advanced applications, with data import and customizations.
  • Pro: for advanced applications with data import and customizations. As a bonus, you have a dedicated consultant for 200 hours to ensure your success.